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  • The Chicago District Golf Charities was formed on December 29, 1944. The Foundation changed its name to the Chicago District Golf Foundation in 1979, and today is known as the Sunshine Through Golf Foundation.

    The initial purpose of the Foundation was to assist war veterans coming back from WWII. The veterans benefited from 9-hole courses and clubhouses built around the Chicago District. Over the years, the focus changed to junior golf, turf grass research, and individuals with disabilities, but to this day the Sunshine Through Golf Foundation still supports the VA Lakeside Hospital with its recreational golf program for patients.

    The Sunshine Through Golf Foundation uses golf as a tool to provide giving and caring for the less fortunate. For over 60 years, the Sunshine Through Golf Foundation has translated universal enjoyment of golf into a means of improving the lives of veterans, juniors, individuals with disabilities, and the economically disadvantaged.