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  • Endeavour is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disability, increasing their independence, life choice and participation in society.

    Founded in 1951, Endeavour is Australia's largest community organisation of its type, working with over 3000 men, women and children with intellectual disability throughout Queensland.

    Working with skilled staff, Endeavour provides a range of services designed to meet the needs of individuals, providing people with opportunities to experience life and make real choices.

    Endeavour has over 200 service locations and is a major social and economic contributor to Queensland.

    Most importantly Endeavour makes a real difference to peoples lives.

    Family Services

    Many goals and dreams of people with intellectual disability are about participating in the community and being able to lead the life they choose. To help achieve these goals Endeavour focuses its services on the individual.

    However, we recognise the wider impact of disability and are committed to forming a relationship that includes not only the individual but also the family as a whole.

    Endeavour staff work closely with each person and their family, ensuring families are involved in the person's life. Endeavour also has a Family Liaison Coordinator dedicated to meeting with parents and family members on a group or individual basis to discuss any issues.

    Endeavour is committed to involving families in every aspect of the organisation.

    Opening up a world of opportunity

    Endeavour's primary aim is to further the interests of people with intellectual disability.

    Dedicated to coaching responsibility and teaching strategies to maximise life choice, Endeavour offers a range of services that are becoming increasingly flexible to suit individual needs.

    These include:

    • Residential accommodation
    • Flexible lifestyle and accommodation support
    • Supported and open employment opportunities
    • Non-vocational services providing recreation and community access
    • Post school programs
    • Aged care support services
    • Advocacy (a free service to people with intellectual disability and their families.)