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  • Easter Seals Virginia is committed to being an advocate and provider of much-needed services for people with disabilities and their families. For over 50 years, Easter Seals Virginia has been leading the way in creating life-changing solutions for individuals with disabilities and special needs, and their families. Whether helping to minimize a toddler’s developmental delays, helping an adult return to work or providing meaningful recreation and respite, Easter Seals Virginia offers services that help people with disabilities to address life’s challenges and achieve their personal goals for independence.

    Easter Seals Virginia’s core purpose is to create opportunities for people with disabilities to achieve maximum potential. This is accomplished through a statewide network of programs and services. These programs provide top-quality, family focused, innovative services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the communities being served. Primary services include Early Childhood Intervention Services in family homes, as well as in preschool and childcare settings; the AgrAbility Virginia Project aimed at keeping Virginia’s farmers with disabilities in the business of agriculture; year-round therapeutic Camping and Recreation, including specialty camps and respite services; and Community Education, Advocacy and Information/Referral.

    Easter Seals Virginia is fundamentally committed to providing these critical services for people with disabilities, but there is still so much to be accomplished in order to adequately meet the need. Future emphasis will include expansion of existing services, as well as the addition of new ones.

    Easter Seals Virginia can take pride because of its longevity of service to Virginia and its recognized credibility. Case in point, the National Health Council consistently ranks Easter Seals first for the percentage of program dollars spent on direct programs and services. And, in 2001, Worth Magazine listed Easter Seals as one of the top 100 charities in the nation based on the clients served and the services provided.


Providing Services for People with Disabilities and Their Families

  • Early Childhood Intervention
    Easter Seals Virginia provides early intervention services to infants and toddlers who have disabilities or developmental delays.

  • AgrAbility Virginia
    In partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension, the AgrAbility Virginia program provides direct education and on-site assessments to farmers and farm workers with disabilities as well as their family members.

  • Camping and Recreation
    Increased independence, improved self-esteem, lasting friendships, the experiences of a lifetime...that's Camp Easter Seals Virginia.

  • Community Education, Advocacy and Information/Referral
    Easter Seals Virginia assists people with disabilities and their families by helping them find and make use of community resources. This program is beneficial to those who do not know where to seek assistance.