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  • The Mission of the National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities is to promote research, professional preparation, service delivery, and advocacy of Physical Education and Recreation for individuals with disabilities.

    NCPERID holds an annual conference each summer. It often holds meetings in conjunction with the national conferences of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and the National Recreation and Park Association.

    The Consortium plays a major role in shaping the direction of adapted physical education and therapeutic recreation. Its membership has been active in promoting legislation and personal preparation programs that improve the quality of physical education and recreation for individuals with disabilities. For example, members have been involved at the federal level promoting versions of the recently reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA - PL 108-446) as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (PL 101-336). The Consortium is a valuable resource for professionals seeking information and direction on various legislative and advocacy issues. Members also contribute to the growing knowledge base for the disciplines through research and demonstration programs.