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Equipment Supplier Details



Resistance Dynamics; Direct Supply


Tune up joints and step up functional mobility in minutes with MoveMor's unique 3-D resistance training. Ten independent studies consistently show improvements in balance, strength, flexibility, independence and fall risk reduction in 10-20 minutes/week.


Greetings! Thank you for the opportunity to share our product for your review. We have helped hundreds of medical fitness professionals and people with chronic conditions including arthritis, strokes, diabetes, Parkinson's and MS regain physical abilities and independence while reducing pain and fall risk. For professionals in the clinic, it provides hands-free therapy from a safe distance and home exercise for individuals.. It would be an honor to help more people regain their balance, strength and functional mobility through your website. Many thanks for the work you do and for your review. With Appreciation, Cate Reade, MS, RD, SFS, CEO, Healthspan Advocate 303.515.7070