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Event Details
Date: Dec 01, 2010

The University of Chicago is seeking participants for an fMRI study on language. They would like to conduct up to three annual sessions with your child and each session will take 3.5 to 4 hours to complete. This includes an hour of in-scanner testing. You will be compensated a minimum of $100 for each completed session, plus travel expenses.

To qualify, your child must be:

  • monolingual English speaking
  • enrolled in 2nd or 3rd grade
  • have a unilateral brain lesion caused by a pre- or perinatal brain injury
The ideal age of the children they are looking for is between 7 - 10. If your child is within a few months of turning 7, you should contact the researchers to find out if you can be put on a list of potential participants.

I encourage you to at least contact the U of Chicago researchers if you have any interest in participating and your child fits the qualifications. Also, if you don\\\'t live in the Chicago area, but would be willing to travel, please ask if this is an opportunity that you can participate in.

Thank you for your continued interest and support in research to benefit children with hemiplegia and stroke.