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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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NCHPAD - Building Healthy Inclusive Communities

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Week 11 Video Tip: Breathing Exercises

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Watch this week's video tip below to listen to Blythe Hiss discuss diaphragmatic breathing and then see three breathing exercises.

Clip 1: Introduction to and description of diaphragmatic breathing and breathing exercises.


Diaphragmatic breathing, sometimes called abdominal breathing, or belly breathing is a deep-breathing technique that helps to relax the body and mind, increase energy and relieve stress. It is the act of breathing deep into your lungs by flexing your diaphragm (a sheet of muscle extending across the bottom of the ribcage) rather than breathing shallowly by flexing your rib cage.

This deep breathing is marked by expansion of the stomach rather than the chest when breathing. It is generally considered a healthier and fuller way to ingest oxygen and is often used as a therapy for hyperventilation and anxiety disorders.

Though the diaphragm is the primary breathing muscle, it is believed that many people have little sensory awareness of their diaphragm and almost no idea of how to engage it more fully or know how it works.

There are actually breath therapists and breathing teachers that can assist with these techniques. If you want to find one and need assistance, call or e-mail NCHPAD at 800-900-8086 or and we would be happy to help you try to locate one in your area. This week's tip sheet will demonstrate two breathing exercises. One is specifically a demonstration of diaphragmatic breathing, while the other is a deep breathing exercise that incorporates flexibility to help improve shoulder range of motion. This latter exercise is shown in two different formats.

If you have any questions about this week's breathing exercises, or your 14-week plan in general, please feel free to call me at 312-996-5965.

Clip 2: Diaphragmatic Breathing - a deep-breathing technique to help relax the body and mind, increase energy, and relieve stress.

Clip 3: Deep Breathing with Arm Raising - this flexibility exercise will help improve shoulder range of motion.

Clip 4: Deep Breathing with Arm Raising from Seated Position - this flexibility exercise, shown in an alternative seated position, will help improve shoulder range of motion.

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