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Program Details


Activities Offered
  • Various Sports
Building Access
  • Meets ADA standards
  • Accessible areas of building: Yes

Staff Training and Certification
  • Staff Training: Yes
  • Staff Certification:Nurse on duty

Participants Served
  • Age range of participants: 3rd grade to High school

Adaptive Equipment
  • Adaptive equipment available
    Sports chairs for racing and basketball. Handicap accessible rooms in dorms at University of Northern Iowa

Membership Fees
  • Fee to participate in the Program : $150 some scholarships are available, but no one is turned away bause of financial difficulties in payment of fee.

  • Accessible by Public Transportation: Yes

  • Transportation Provided by the Program: No


The mission of the University of Northern Iowa�s Adapted Sports Camp is to give qualified young people, ages 3rd grade-high school, with various disabilities around the State of Iowa, an opportunity to participate in various types of athletic events using a wheelchair. They do not have to use a wheelchair for daily living skills. They may have an amputation, birth defect, or use crutches, braces, or prosthetic devices for ambulation. They benefit from the physical and social opportunities available at the UNI camp by being introduced to new athletic activities in a structured environment.

This camp focuses on basketball, track and field, football, soccer, and rock climbing events along with weight training, and nutrition. There are opportunities for instruction, expert coaching, and the refinement of skills. Campers are encouraged to be as independent as they can, and have the freedom to interact with their peers. The camp promotes wheelchair awareness and provides healthy recreational activities for kids with disabilities. Activities such as wheeling around campus with their teammates to meals, recreational games, other skill activities, and pure fun are important for learning. Campers enjoy traditional camp and recreation activities, while they are improving daily living, sensory-motor-perceptual, strengthening, and hand-eye coordination skills.