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Event Details
Date: Mar 01, 2011

Grants are given to programs or projects that improve the daily lives of people living with paralysis, particularly spinal cord injuries. Funding is awarded twice yearly to programs that provide assistance through access, advocacy, education, recreation, and technology, among others.

Funding is awarding twice yearly to programs in three broad categories:

  • Actively Achieving projects enable people with paralysis to get out and live - ride a bike, compete in sports, climb a mountain, hike a trail, train for a job, play with friends on a totally accessible playground, work out in a fitness program, and more.
  • Bridging Barriers projects help people with paralysis overcome obstacles to full participation in society - operate voice-activated computer technology, modify homes and buildings to make them wheelchair accessible, help with legal problems, access transportation services, and more.
  • Caring and Coping projects help take care of both the individuals with paralysis and the people that care for them - projects may include caregiver support and respite, peer networks, support groups, counseling, consumer and healthcare professional educational conferences, specialized training for healthcare professionals, and more.

Quality of Life grants are most often awarded to nonprofit organizations that have IRS 501(c)(3) status, but may also be awarded to community parks, schools, veterans hospitals, tribal entities, etc. Most Quality of Life grants are awarded within the United States of America, although the Reeve Foundation does award a small number of grants to nonprofit organizations based outside the United States.