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Event Details
Date: Jun 01, 2011

Health Impact Project Announces Call for Proposals to Build Healthier Communities through Informed Decision Making

The Health Impact Project, a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Pew Charitable Trusts, has announced a Call for Proposals for grants to conduct Health Impact Assessments. The funding is intended to enable awardees to develop an HIA, which is a study that can help policy makers and community members identify and address the potential, and often overlooked, health implications of policy proposals in a broad range of sectors, including agriculture, transportation, and development.

The Health Impact Project will fund up to eight initiatives that identify how policy proposals will impact health at the local, tribal, or state level.

Grants will range from $25,000 to $125,000 each and will support government agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations. Grantees also will receive training, mentoring, and technical assistance from the Health Impact Project and leading HIA experts.