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Program Details


Activities Offered
  • Hippotherapy
Staff Training and Certification
  • Staff Certification:Certified Instructor in Therapeutic horseback riding

Adaptive Equipment
  • Adaptive equipment available

Membership Fees
  • Fee to participate in the Program :

  • Accessible by Public Transportation: No

  • Transportation Provided by the Program: No


The word "HIPPO" means horse. "Hippotherapy" literally means "Therapy with the aid of a horse.” At Children's Therapy Plus, Inc., Hippotherapy sessions are directed and performed by one or all of the following therapists: Physical, Occupational and Speech Pathologist. All horses are trained and handled by a Certified Instructor in Therapeutic horseback riding.

The HIPPOTHERAPY sessions are based on individual goals determined for each child by their therapist. Each horse is carefully chosen according to its size and movement. Emphasis is placed heavily on achieving therapy goals, versus teaching the client/child horseback riding skills.

Many different developmental positions and/or special equipment may be used to help the children meet their therapy goals.

We follow all guidelines established through N.A.R.H.A. (North American Riding for the Handicapped Association) with safety a prime consideration.