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Program Details


Activities Offered
  • Adventure Programs
  • Hiking
  • Various Recreational Activities
  • Various Sports
Building Access
  • Meets ADA standards

Membership Fees
  • Fee to participate in the Program :

  • Accessible by Public Transportation: No

  • Transportation Provided by the Program: No


This program is funded solely by the people with disabilities who take vacations with us, and we have received no outside funding. Since its inception in 1998, approximately seven hundred people in Montana and Wyoming have participated in hundreds of vacations or recreational events.

We offer a range of trips from one day to five days. Vacations have included Disneyland, Black Hills of South Dakota, Thermopolis, Big Horn Days, Yellowstone National Park, Mall of America, Seattle, Worldwide Wrestling Federation, professional basketball, baseball, and football games, Medora, camping, Fairmont Hot Springs, Hawaii, Mountain Man Rendezvous, winter carnival in Red Lodge, to name a few. The price of each trip includes all expenses, except personal spending money. We offer payment plans and also have scholarships to help individuals offset the high cost of vacations. We generally try to have a 1:4 guide to participant staffing ratio. We send out catalogs annually outlining our planned vacations. And if your dream vacation isn�t listed, we will try to see if we can arrange the trip.