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  • The mission of the CP Center is to help children and adolescents with CP grow to become independent young men and women, capable of pursuing their own dreams and participating fully in all aspects of life.

    Our Goals

    Help children with cerebral palsy achieve maximum physical, intellectual and emotional development.

    1. Educating patients, parents and the community about children with cerebral palsy.
    2. Developing and promoting clinical research programs that will advance the pharmacological, surgical and therapeutic treatment of cerebral palsy.
    3. Continue making advances in the diagnosis, management and treatment of cerebral palsy.
    The CP center's approach is comprehensive, pro-active, and individualized. The physicians at SLCH know that treatment of children with CP should focus on the whole child, rather than only one aspect of the individual. Each week the staff holds a CP conference where they meet to discuss their patients. This allows them to share ideas and to develop specific strategies for each child's care. Working together, they are able to provide the tools the children need to live more active and less restricted lives.

    The Center strives to achieve optimal management and treatment of each child with CP by integrating the Center's efforts with those of other experts, including pediatricians, rehabilitation specialists, neurologists, orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons, teachers and occupational, physical and speech therapists, among others.