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  • Arizona Bridge to Independent Living (ABIL), a powerful "voice" for the disability community in Arizona, offers independent living programs designed to empower people with disabilities to build independent lives.

    ABIL is one of five centers for independent living in Arizona. There are approximately 450 centers across the country dedicated to equal opportunity and full inclusion of people with disabilities into all aspects of community life.

    ABIL advocates personal responsibility – by, and for, people with disabilities – as a means to independence. To help consumers achieve self-sufficiency, ABIL offers comprehensive programs including independent living skills instruction; information and referral; peer support; advocacy; home modification; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) training and counsel; outreach to rehab centers & early intervention for newly disabled individuals; reintegration from nursing homes; employment services; Social Security work incentives; empowering youth in transition; personal assistant services and social recreational programs.

    Through its comprehensive programs, ABIL touches the lives of individuals with disabilities and addresses the disability concerns of their family members, co-workers and employers.

    ABIL offers developers and community leaders technical assistance relating to the ADA.