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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals

NCHPAD - Building Healthy Inclusive Communities

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F.I.T.T. Column - October 2008: An Inclusive World without Breast Cancer!

"I don't know but I've been told, you are worth your weight in gold, sound off, 1, 2__ 1, 2, 3, 4!!" This chant, created by the All Abilities Team, could be heard throughout the team's entire 3-day, 60-mile journey. And what a journey it was! On August 8-10, 2008, the All Abilities Team completed a journey of a lifetime in the Breast Cancer 3-Day event in Chicago. A team of 8 individuals from all over the nation came together in Chicago to participate in a life-changing event. Their story includes setting personal goals, overcoming obstacles, and leading the way in creating an inclusive world without breast cancer!

Opening Ceremonies: The All Abilities Team Begins the Journey!
Opening Ceremonies: The All Abilities Team Begins the Journey!
The story begins at the end of last year's Breast Cancer 3-Day event in Dallas, TX. Pam Dickens of the North Carolina Office on Disability and Health (NCODH) contacted NCHPAD to share her experience and inspire others to line up at the starting line. Pam used her participation in the Dallas Breast Cancer 3-Day event to educate fellow participants: When someone said "You must have strong arms," I sometimes replied, "You must have strong legs!" Others sometimes said they wish they could have a ride. I welcomed them to ride as long as they pushed -- a few opportunities to hopefully get others to begin to think from a different perspective. And in that spirit the alliance between the Breast Cancer 3-Day, the NCODH, and NCHPAD began.

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