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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregedivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregafgivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals

NCHPAD - Building Healthy Inclusive Communities

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It is generally accepted that physical activity may have positive effects on mood and mental health.  These effects include psychological factors such as improved self-efficacy, a sense of mastery, better mental focus, and changes in self-concept⁵.  In order the reap the most benefits from exercise training for individuals with anxiety or depression, it is recommended that a tailored exercise prescription be prepared involving a multidisciplinary team of professionals to include psychiatrists, psychologists, health care providers, and fitness professionals⁵.  To increase compliance with exercise training, a daily recording of physical activity and measurements for depression and anxiety symptom severity in an activity diary is recommended⁵.  Further intervention studies are needed to determine guidelines targeting specific mental health disorders, but taking these health promotion intervention strategies into consideration for the treatment of anxiety and/or depression may improve symptoms and general health status. 


¹ Ravindran, A. V., & da Silva, T. L. (2013). Complementary and alternative therapies as add-on to pharmacotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders.

²Kinne S, Patrick DL, Doyle DL. Prevalence of secondary conditions among people with
disabilities. Am J Public Health. 2004; 94(3):443–445. [PubMed: 14998811]

3Anxiety and Depression Association of America

⁴ Roy-Byrne PP, Katon W. J Clin Psychiatry.  1997; 58(suppl 3): 34-38; discussion 39-40.

⁵Ströhle, A. (2009). Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders. Journal of neural transmission, 116(6), 777-784. Ravindran, A. V., & da Silva, T. L. (2013). Complementary and alternative therapies as add-on to pharmacotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders.

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