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Associate Director

Image of Amy Rauworth Ms. Rauworth joined Lakeshore Foundation in 2012 as the Director of Policy and Public Affairs. She also works within the University of Alabama Birmingham/Lakeshore Foundation Research Collaborative, where she is the Associate Director of the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD). Ms. Rauworth is a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist with the American College of Sports Medicine. She has applied exercise physiology experience in the areas of orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation, health promotion, and corporate wellness. Ms. Rauworth conducts Inclusive Fitness trainings nationally on behalf of NCHPAD and specializes in accessible fitness center design. She serves on several national committees including the Paralympic Research and Sport Science Consortium, American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) F08.30 Fitness Products: WK19803 Inclusive Fitness Equipment Design Task Group, Athletics for All, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association Think Tank on Inclusion. Through an initiative lead by UNICEF, The Global Partnership on Children with Disability (GPcwd), she co-chairs the task force on Physical Activity, Sport and NCDs. In Alabama, Ms. Rauworth Chairs the Livable Communities priority group of the Health Action Partnership of Jefferson County and was appointed by the Governor in 2014 to the Alabama Trails Commission. Ms. Rauworth leads the content development, synthesis and training within NCHPAD, and directs the coordination of the Inclusive Fitness Coalition, which consists of over 220 organizations seeking to improve inclusive physical activity options within all communities across the United States. In addition, Ms. Rauworth has over 19 years of experience in health promotion development and implementation, focusing on the delivery of physical activity programming for people with disability across the lifespan.