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Physical & Occupational Therapy
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Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregedivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregafgivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals
Individuals & Caregivers
Physical & Occupational Therapy
Public Health Professionals

NCHPAD - Building Healthy Inclusive Communities

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From the Information Specialist's Desk: Join the APHA DisAbility SPIG!

Disability Special Primary Interest Group (DisAbility SPIG) at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia

1) At the American Public Health Association (APHA) in Philadelphia, PA, December 10-14, 2005, become a member of the Disability Special Primary Interest Group (DisAbility SPIG) and learn more about exciting topics related to public health and disability. Information about this year's Disability and Health program, including the business meeting and social events, can be found at The Disability SPIG Social Hour and Business Meeting will take place from 6-9 p.m. on Sunday, December 10th, in room 113C of the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

NCHPAD as Your Premier Dissemination Resource!

2) Remember that NCHPAD can be a useful resource for advertising your program or upcoming event. - Add your program to the NCHPAD database at, or update your program-related information by e-mailing Cheeri Ong at - Use NCPAD's calendar of events to publicize your program at,

New Toys R Us Guide for Children with Disabilities

3) Just in time for the holidays, the United Parents Syndicate on Disabilities has worked with Toys "R" Us to produce a toy guide for children with disabilities. Toys were selected by the National Lekotek Center, a nonprofit organization which helps to make play accessible for children with disabilities, and include symbols to connect the toy selections with the child's needs. Read more about the guide at and access the Lekotek Toy Resource helpline at or 800-366-PLAY.

Supreme Court Decision on Special Education

4) The Supreme Court ruled on November 14 that it is up to parents to prove that the special education plan for their children is not adequate. A Maryland couple had initiated the case, Schaffer v. Weast, to force the local school district to bear full responsibility in demonstrating that the plan for their son was the most appropriate possible. Decisions in lower courts swung for and then against the plaintiffs; the Supreme Court's ruling leaves the burden of proof squarely on the shoulders of the parent. The decision disappointed disability rights and parents groups, who argued that it will let school districts off the hook in addressing parental complaints.

Team Ossur: Athletes, Performers, and Professionals with Limb Loss

5) Team Ossur consists of a group of athletes, talented performers, and professionals with limb loss from around the world, who excel in their chosen sport or career, and who are sponsored by Ossur. Their talents and charisma help increase awareness of the courage and achievements of people with limb loss throughout the world. Information on Team Ossur can be located at, and details on athlete Sarah Reinertsen, who recently completed the Ironman, and paralympic highlights of the team can be found at


6) Visit ObeezCity, a website which promotes exercise to fight/prevent obesity in children with and without disabilities. Go to for information for parents and games for children to help them become more involved in health promotion.

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